14.1-RELEASE to 14.2-RELEASE

Essential reading:

– you can create a configuration file for a Project-provided FreeBSD-kmods repo before beginning to follow the steps at https://www.freebsd.org/releases/14.2R/installation/#upgrade-binary.

  1. mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos ; cd /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos
  2. cp /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf ./FreeBSD-kmods.conf
  3. ee ./FreeBSD-kmods.conf
  4. change the repository name from FreeBSD to FreeBSD-kmods
  5. change quarterly to kmods_quarterly_2
  6. escape, save
  7. cd
  8. follow official installation information up to, and including, the second run of freebsd-update install
  9. pkg upgrade --repository FreeBSD-kmods
  10. ignore the mismatch (y)
  11. if any upgraded kernel module is offered, proceed (y)
  12. continue with official installation information – the first restart of the operating system, and so on
  13. finally, re-edit /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD-kmods.conf – change kmods_quarterly_2 to kmods_quarterly_${VERSION_MINOR}


https://wiki.freebsd.org/Ports/QuarterlyBranch should help to understand the difference between quarterly and latest

  • and beware of confusion with base_latest, which relates to pkgbase (base, separate from ports).
  • Graham PerrinOP
    110 days ago


    If you already run 14.2-RELEASE, you can/should change that to:
